* Offer good only on purchases made between 1/11/10 and 2/13/10.
* Products must be purchased in one shopping visit.
* Circle your purchases of any of the participating Kimberly-Clark and Unilever brands listed that total a minimum of $30.00 on your original Publix receipt.
* Place the original receipt and entry form in an envelope and mail with the correct amount of postage to the address indicated. Please retain a copy
for your records.
* Envelopes must be postmarked by 2/19/10 and received by 2/26/10. Please allow 8 to 10 weeks from 2/19/10.
* One offer per household, while supplies last, total not to exceed 5,000 (five-thousand) gift cards.

Part icipating brands:

HUGGIES® diapers,
PULL-UPS® Training Pants,
GoodNites® Underpants,
COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper,
KOTEX® Products,
VIVA® Towels,
KLEENEX® Facial Tissue,
SCOTT® Towels,
SCOTT® Bath Tissue,
DEPEND® Underwear,
POISE® Pads,
Bertolli® Dinner for Two,
Bertolli® Oven Bake Meals™,

Bertolli® Pasta Sauce,
Breyers® Ice Cream (1.5 qrt.),
Breyers® Novelties,
Brummel & Brown® Spread,
Country Crock® Side Dishes,
Shedd’s Spread Country Crock® Spread,
Good Humor® Ice Cream,
Hellmann’s® Mayonnaise,
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!®,
Klondike® Bars,
Knorr® Sides™,
Lipton® Iced Tea Mix,
Lipton® Green Tea,
Lipton® Recipe Secrets® Mixes,
Lipton® Tea (24-100 ct.),
Popsicle® Frozen Novelties,
Promise® Buttery Spread,

Ragú® Pasta Sauce,
Skippy® Peanut Butter,
Slim-Fast!® 3-2-1 Snack Bars,
Slim-Fast!® 3-2-1 Meal Bars,
Slim-Fast!® 3-2-1 Shakes,
Wish-Bone® Salad Dressing,

Caress® Beauty Bar or Body Wash,
Degree® Deodorant,
Dove® Beauty Bar and Body Wash,
Dove® Lotion,
Dove® Hair Care,
Dove® Deodorant,
Lever 2000® Bar or Body Wash,
Pond’s® Facial Care Products,
Q-tips® Cotton Swabs,
Suave Kids®,
Suave® Hair Care,

Suave® Deodorant,

Suave® Body Wash,
Vaseline® Lotion products.

Wow I can not believe it has been a year since my last update. I just found this great website that offers financial information and is currently running a great contest from January 4-31, 2010. Winners will be announced on February 3, 2010.

So check out this site and enter to win!